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Summer has begun and it’s time to use that PTO you’ve been storing away, to take a well-deserved break. I know what you’re thinking, who has the time? As hard as it is to prepare for and recover from your time off, vacations often become more work than they’re worth. Your phone still rings, the plants still grow, and the wheels just keep on turning.

The simple fact is time away from work is vital to your mental and physical well-being. Not only do vacations reduce stress and increase mindfulness, but recent studies have also found vacation time can improve heart health and increase reaction time by up to 40 percent. Researchers have even found that taking 11 or more vacation days per year can increase your likelihood of a raise by up to 30 percent.

At ALC Logistics, we understand the value of time off and believe the transportation management system you deploy should improve productivity while preserving the sanctity of your free time. Our AlchemyTMS solutions are cloud-based and accessible worldwide, but when you can work from anywhere, it’s easy to let your work life creep into your personal time. Our team understands this struggle and has developed tools that enhance collaboration and make it easier for you to enjoy your vacation time. 

  • No need to work from your hotel room: AlchemyTMS is designed with sharable dashboards that make it easy for your colleagues to temporarily take over tasks while you are out of the office. You can sleep well knowing your team is fully informed and operations continue to run smoothly.
  • Program reports to send automatically with subscription reports, so your transportation team continues to prosper when key players are out.
  • With AlchemyTMS Dock Scheduling, set operating hours and communicate directly with carriers via message boards about changes to availability. 

Interested in learning more about ALC Logistics and how our AlchemyTMS suite of software solutions can help you and your transportation team?

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